Jarvis, upset about the inability of Congress to negotiate a deal over the budget deficit, started the Twitter “uprising” with jsut one tweet.
Quickly, the hashtag and sentiment caught on, spreading like wildfire throughout the Twitterverse.

“So I was angry. I had no grand design on a revolution. I just wanted to get that off my chest,” Jarvis told ABC News.
“That’s what Twitter is for: offloading chests. Some people responded and retweeted, which pushed me to keep going, suggesting a chant: ‘F***YouWashington.'”
Apparently Jarvis isn’t the only one who thinks Washington deserved the “F-you” as the website Trendistic said that after the original tweet went out, by midnight Saturday, over 1/10th of all tweets included the hashtag “#F***YouWashington.”
According to Trendistic’s parent company, IndexTank, the actual number of times people used the hashtag is around 66,000.
Although the buzz started on Twitter, it extended into other social networks such as Facebook and even brand new Google+.
One woman took to President Obama’s Facebook page writing, “You are so wrong. Right now I know I am facing homelessness if I can not get my check on the 3rd. I am seriously considering not voting at all, ever again. We always get hurt. I thought you were different.”
Jarvis claims he just started the hashtag, and from there it grew organically.
“All I did was spout off after a couple of glasses of nice pinot,” said Jarvis in an interview with ABC News. “After that it was out of my control. It has a life of its own now… I’m not arguing this is anything more than it was. But there are all kinds of ways we forget we can hear the voice of the people.”
President Obama did not respond to Jarvis or the other 66,000 tweets on Twitter.
(Via ABC News)