Stealth Electric Bikes has launched two new all-terrain models in the American market: The Fighter and The Bomber.
An Australian company started in 2005, Stealth Bikes has opened offices in Phoenix, Arizona hoping to capitalize on the outdoor recreational crowd in America.
Of the two bikes released, The Bomber is the more impressive product. With a top speed of 50 mph, the bike certainly rivals city models, and even out-performs similar electric mountain bikes.
At 116 lbs. the bike is by no means a lightweight device, but with nine speeds and a distance of 50 miles on just a two-hour charge, it’s not meant to be a portable device that’s stored in a loft or cubicle.
The bike runs on a brushless DC, 4.5 kilowatt motor powered by a lithium iron phosphate battery with 1.5 kWh capacity.

The company claims the battery can be switched out in less than 90 seconds, which may be important if looking to race the bike.
One of the product’s biggest bragging points is the relative quiet engine. At the top speed of 50 mph, Stealth Electric Bikes says The Bomber only reaches the noise level of 65db, about on par with a vacuum cleaner.
Both bikes have a variety of upgrade options, from tires to brakes, with a top-of-the-line version of The Bomber running just over $13,000.
Models made for city travel can run under $2,000, while traditional dirt-bikes can range anywhere from $500 to $1,500.
For a more comprehensive look at the electric bike market, read EarthTechling’s feature by Susan DeFreitas.