In a move that should surprise absolutely no one, the government has decided to hold off on taking a firm stance in the net neutrality debate.
It’s just the latest example of the biggest hurdle involved in the whole net neutrality discussion. The fact that the Internet is subject to government oversight means there is so much red tape to cut through it’s ridiculous.

That’s why nothing has been done despite years and years of net neutrality discussion.
The Federal Communications Commission did let users know that it isn’t just sweeping the issue under the rug. Instead, it is working hard to ensure that the voice of Americans is heard and represented.
“The FCC staff is busy reviewing and analyzing an extensive record of more than 50,000 comments in the broadband framework proceeding, which only closed a few weeks ago. Securing a solid legal foundation for broadband policy is too important an issue to rush,” wrote the agency in a statement, as reported by the Wall Street Journal.
The complicated issue of net neutrality has been on the table since the early 2000s. At issue is whether or not the Internet can sustain itself with the current infrastructure, or if changes should be made to allow users to pay for premium access. Companies like Google and Verizon have gunned for new implementations that would basically turn the World Wide Web into a tiered service.
Most Americans are opposed to the idea outright, and the overarching feeling is “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”