Joining in the niche market of advanced, seemingly never-ending lightbulbs, Samsung has introduced new “Advanced LED” bulbs to the US market.
The new bulbs, which carry model numbers like the A19, the PAR, and the MR16, costs significantly more than a traditional lightbulb, but they can last upwards of 40,000 hours before needing to be replaced.

If you’re good at conserving energy and keeping your lights off when you’re at work, that means you could go for more than a decade before needing to replace these $20+ bulbs.
“A light bulb is no longer just a light bulb. It’s a digital technology made up of LED chips, drivers and electronics—familiar turf for Samsung,” wrote Samsung in a statement.
For those who prefer incandescent bulbs because of their ability to dim and shine in different directions, the A19 provides the exact same functionality.
Sure it may be difficult to stomach the idea of buying bulbs at $20 a pop, or more (the most expensive model is a whopping $59.98, which provides the equivalent of a 75W halogen bulb and is the brighest Samsung offering available). But the cost-savings over a span of several years is obviously worth it.
Samsung has teamed up with Lowe’s as its exclusive retail partner for the product launch.