Texting might only seem appropriate between friends, family, or certain colleagues. But have you ever thought of using mass texting to communicate with your whole team? It can be extremely effective as a communication tool within an organization.
Texting doesn’t replace other communication tools; rather, it complements them. Companies use mass texting software for at least the six reasons below. Would any of these benefits make mass texting right for your organization?
Texting Works on Every Device
Employees don’t have to own a smartphone to receive SMS text messages (the standard type of text). A very basic cell phone will work. They also don’t need an additional app or to be connected to the Internet. Just be sure the mass texting software that you choose sends true SMS text messages, which are compatible with all devices.
Mass Texting is Inexpensive
It costs very little to send mass texts. Using mass texting software services only requires a small subscription fee or the purchase of credits. You might wonder why you’d pay for mass texts for internal communications when you have email, but texting can reach employees quickly, wherever they are, for only a small expense.
Mass Texting is Fast and Direct

You probably know that employees don’t always read email right away. Sometimes, even internal messages can go to a spam folder! Employees also might not respond to emails for several hours.
In contrast, you’ve certainly seen that people notice text messages within moments of receiving them—and they sometimes respond within seconds. People see nearly 100% of their texts! Imagine having that with your employees. Plus, the short format of texts can encourage you all to communicate more concisely through them.
Texts Can Save Employees Time and Hassle
Mass texts can save employees from showing up to the office when it’s closed because of weather. Texts can remind them to enroll in their benefits before a deadline or let them know when the time or venue for an event has changed. Mass texting software allows you to reach them when they might not have noticed important information in an email, such as when they’re on the road.
You Can Use Texts to Enhance Productivity
Texts can help people perform better at work. Use texts sparingly and for very helpful purposes, so that employees are happy to receive them. As examples, they can remind employees to show up to meetings on time, to hit milestones and deadlines, and to check out the latest offers they can communicate to customers.
Mass Texting Is Simple to Use
You can learn to use mass texting software in a matter of minutes. A good vendor will help you load in the names and cell phone numbers of employees—or do it for you. Then, you can just click on the group you’re texting (or everyone), type a message, and send it out or schedule it for later.
Remember, texting doesn’t replace your other communication methods. Instead, quickly learning to use mass texting software can improve your communications with your employees in certain situations. It’s a powerful technique to add to your toolbox to get you more of the communication results you want.