Porn pervasive in workplace

A computer based forensics company claims that porn is pervasive on work computer systems.

Sharon Nelson, president of Sensei Enterprises, a Virginia-based computer forensics company said that 26 percent of companies surveyed in the first half of 2009 have fired employees for violating e-mail policies. More than 26 percent have sacked employees for violation of Internet policies.

More than 60 percent of companies surveyed in 2007 were monitoring Internet connections and 65 percent were using software to block Web sites.

Porn appears on law enforcement agencies and government agency computers and has often been used as evidence when employees file sexual harassment or hostile work environment cases, she said.

As a result sometimes companies who let their employees do what they want find that they end up in legal trouble further down the line.

The matter of porn on the work place has become a hot potato in Cape Cod after a local paper,, uncovered pornographic and other offensive e-mails sent and received by the top level sheriff’s employees.