In a final attempt to claw users back from Facebook, Myspace has redesigned its website and says it plans to focus on its core user base of teenagers and young adults.
A new ‘Right now on Myspace’ feature shows trending content in real time, helps fans find recently added music and videos, and lets them listen or watch directly from the interactive chart.
The Discovery Tab combines videos that friends are watching with what’s trending in real time on Myspace, and a My Stuff Tab gives easy access to a user’s profile, photos, videos and uploaded content.
“The new Myspace is cleaner, with a new design that puts content center stage. It’s also smarter, providing you with a personalized experience by recommending content based on your interests,” says CEO Mike Jones. “And new tools like the Discovery Tab, My Stuff Tab, and ‘Right Now on Myspace’ show you what’s trending on the site and make it easier for you to save and share it.”
Myspace is also ‘going Wiki’, introducing a set of user curators.
While Myspace has withered away somewhat since the massive success of Facebook, it’s still the 40th most popular site in the world, according to figures from Alexa.
And Forrester’s Augie Ray believes the redesign could help it claw its way back up.
“Make no mistake — the days of Myspace as a general-purpose social network taking on Facebook are long gone, and Myspace recognizes this,” he says. “Instead, as has long been rumored, the revitalized Myspace is focusing on entertainment, and this means connecting with Facebook and Twitter rather than competing with them.”
He says the changes could help it retain its existing users as well as regain old ones and gain a new following too.
“I anticipate that the new Myspace will see increasing traffic, starting with fans of Glee and American Idol, two entertainment properties with which Myspace has partnerships,” he predicts.