Jimmy Kimmel sets November 17 "National Unfriend Day"

How many Facebook friends do you have? Are you one of those people who only friends people you talk to every day, or are you the kind who sends out friend requests to everyone with the same last name as you?

If you’re the latter, Jimmy Kimmel has something to say to you.

“Friendship is a sacred thing, and I think Facebook is cheapening it,” opined Kimmel during his show on Friday night. “Remember when you didn’t know what the guy in your high school biology was eating for lunch? Let’s go back to that.”

He then officially named November 17 as National Unfriend Day, an opportunity for everyone to prune down their Facebook friend list. It’s a chance to go back and see how many of those people you actually recognize. How many of them have you actually talked to in the last 12 months?

Go unfriend all those people you met at a club with the hopes of striking up a relationship. Get rid of everyone you went on one date with and never saw again.

For more on National Unfriend Day, here’s Jimmy Kimmel: