Google to take Steet View down the Amazon River

Google has embarked on an Amazon journey, and we’re not talking about the online bookstore.

The company’s intrepid Street View team will head to South America and grab 360-degree photos of some of the most remote areas of the Amazon terrain.

It’s part of a joint initiative with the non-profit group Foundation for a Sustainable Amazon (FAS).

For FAS, this is a chance to show the world how “not only the environment and the way of life of the traditional population, but to sensitize the world to the challenges of climate change, deforestation and combating poverty,” said the charity’s project leader Gabriel Ribenboim.

Of course, for Google, it’s also an opportunity to tackle yet another large challenge. The journey will involve traveling down the Amazon River and the Rio Negro River in northwest Brazil.

Because the actual streets are narrow, bumpy, and not suitable for Google’s bulky Street View car, the search giant will instead use its handy “trike,” which has been instrumental in some of its other intrepid undertakings.

Not only will Google engineers ride the trike through remote Amazon villages, “We’ll also mount it onto a boat to take photographs as the boat floats down the river,” Google described in a blog post.

Once a novel way to get a better mental image of where that office building is for your job interview or what your Eharmony date’s house looks like, Google Street View has now become a project to literally capture every corner of the world on camera.

Previous adventures have included visits to Antarctica, Stonehenge, and Kew Gardens.