San Francisco (CA) – Facebook has begun beta testing new versions of its search engine that will allow members to search content from individuals, organizations and public figures in real-time. If properly executed, the upgraded engine could offer a viable alternative to individuals seeking refuge from the chaotic world of Twitter. Indeed, Facebook members may prefer orderly data streams that include images, video and audio – rather than obscure one liners from self-obsessed Twitterati.
“Those of you in the test group will see new layouts for search results that will continue to include people’s profiles, Facebook Pages, groups and applications, and some entirely new Search features. With the test, you will be able to search your News Feed for the most recent status updates, photos, links, videos and notes being shared by your friends and the Facebook Pages of which you’re a fan,” Facebook’s Kari Lee explained in a blog post. “You will also be able to search for status updates, posted links and notes in Search from people who have chosen to make their profile and content available to everyone. As always, you can control what content you’re sharing by editing your privacy settings.”
According to Lee, the upgraded search engine utilizes “people around us” to collate “interesting” information on everything from television shows to current events.

“By entering the term ‘Iran’ in the ‘Search’ field in the upper-right corner of any page on Facebook, I will see up-to-the-minute results from my friends and the Facebook Pages of which I’m a fan, not to mention people who have chosen to make their profile and content available to everyone,” wrote Lee. “I’m able to discover what blogs and news sources my friends are following, what my friends are saying about President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and opposition candidate Mir-Hossein Mousavi, and how people in general are reacting to the election results.”