Create your own Google map

Google is looking to hugely increase the amount of information stored on Google Maps.

Users can now submit their own names of businesses, bike lanes, new roads, etc, and then submit them to Google for approval.

These edits won’t tarnish the “clean” version of Google Maps, but will run alongside a mirrored version of the site known as Google Map Maker.

Google Maps does already poster user-submitted content, such as uploaded photos that have been geo-tagged, as well as reviews of restaurants and businesses in the area.

But users have never been able to actually affect the actual content on the maps. That’s what is happening now with Map Maker.

Because Google has to accept every change that’s submitted, it should hopefully be a useful tool instead of a mish mosh of unreliable user information.

Users are best served by having complete details. The only way to get there is to have users doing it,” Google explained.