Do you enjoy driving your shiny BMW but feel like all the sweet routes are passing you by? Well, at the risk of sounding clichéd, yes there is an app to help with that.
Dubbed “Ultimate Drive,” the app enables users to easily find the “best” scenic travel routes in over 50 countries. Drivers can also rank, comment and share their favorite roads via Facebook, email and various GPS devices.

Even though it utilizes the latest navigation technology, Ultimate Drive is pretty simple to use.
After launching the app, Ultimate Drive triangluates a vehicle’s location and displays the top-ranked roads from a user-generated database.
Favorited routes can be shared via Facebook or e-mail by simply tapping a particular route three times.
However, if you don’t own a BMW (and LOTS of us don’t) there are still many similar apps out there that are worth checking out. Obviously, you don’t have to be a member of the socioeconomic elite to to enjoy a good automobile navigation app.
For example, if you own a recent Ford model with Sync, there is a pretty nifty little app that allows you find the fastest routes in your American car.
Of course, there are also a wide variety of navigation apps available for iOS and Android users. So what are you waiting for? Go and upload the best route to your favorite taco stand now!