More people are seriously considering buying an iPad within the next 3 months than any other e-reader device, but not by much. While 15% are planning on buying an iPad, 14% say they want a Kindle.
These numbers come from the newly released results from a Comscore poll. In it, the consumer tech analytics firm asked over 2,000 Internet users how familiar they were with the e-reader selection available and how likely they were to make a purchase.

The Kindle and iPad were tied for the device with the most awareness. 65% of survey respondents said their previous purchase habits and preferences aided their awareness of the Kindle and the iPad. That number was 39% for Sony’s Reader, 28% for the Barnes & Noble Nook, and 11% for Samsung’s Papyrus.
Around 60% – 70% had researched all of these devices online, however adoption has been slim. Only 6% said they already own a Kindle, and that was the top result. 4% owned a Sony Reader, 2% owned a Nook, and 1% had put in a pre-order for the iPad.
Regardless, the amount of consumer interest is clearly growing.
“The tablet and e-reader market is developing at a breakneck pace right now, and Apple’s entry into the market is sure to accelerate mainstream consumer adoption,” said Comscore executive VP Serge Matta.