Apple has updated its flagship iOS to version 6.1, adding LTE capabilities to 36 additional iPhone carriers and 23 additional iPad carriers around the world.
“iOS 6 is the world’s most advanced mobile operating system, and with nearly 300 million iPhone, iPad and iPod touch devices on iOS 6 in just five months, it may be the most popular new version of an OS in history,” said Apple VP Philip Schiller.

So what’s new in iOS 6.1? Well, Cupertino added the ability to use Siri to purchase movie tickets in the US through Fandango, while iTunes Match subscribers can download individual songs to their iOS devices from iCloud.
Other key iOS 6 (base) features include Siri, which supports more languages, easy access to sports scores, restaurant recommendations and movie listings, as well as Maps with Apple-designed cartography, turn-by-turn navigation and Flyover view.
Additional features? Facebook integration for Contacts and Calendar, with the ability to post directly from Notification Center, Siri and Facebook-enabled apps; Shared Photo Streams via iCloud; and Passbook, the simplest way to get all your passes in one place.
iOS 6.1 is available as a free software update today. The latest ieration of the OS is compatible with iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPad (third and fourth generation), iPad mini, iPad 2 and iPod touch (fourth and fifth generation).
In other Apple news, Cupertino also released a new update for Apple TV, which now offers Bluetooth keyboard support, “Up Next” which queues content for users, along with iTunes Match optimizations.