That classic colored flag of red, green, blue, and yellow is being kicked aside for Windows 8.
Instead, the next generation of Microsoft’s operating system will feature a simple single-colored logo. This is not an official picture but was reported by as being the symbol of Windows 8.

Windows 8 will arguably bring more changes to the operating system than any other iteration.
All the changes revolve around what Microsoft is calling the “Metro UI,” which allows users to have complete customization on their home page, including widgets, RSS readers, weather information, date/time, etc.
Metro UI will also have deep multitasking chops, giving users the ability to easily toggle back and forth between different apps and websites. The prototype unit shown at BUILD looks similar to an iPad, with virtually no buttons on the device itself. Microsoft wants touch input to be the main control mechanism, but in a way that’s new and different – not just tapping, but swiping and gesturing.
When the beta launches, so will the Windows Store – the recently announced digital storefront that will allow users to pay for software and download it right away. The idea is that users will no longer need to jump around to third-party download sites and can get all their content from one central platform.
The Windows Store will launch with only free content at first, but premium downloads will be available in the following months.
Users will be able to get a first look at the new OS at the end of the month, when Microsoft launches the Windows 8 Consumer Preview. The final version is expected to be released in October.