When it comes to Android, most people think of Verizon’s Droid brand and then move on to something else. But there’s another strong player out there, and although it may not have the same level of name recognition, it’s doing pretty darn well.
In fact, people may very well being buying Samsung Galaxy S phones and not even realize it. But that’s not a big deal for the manufacturer, which has just announced that 10 million of its high-end Android phones have already been sold.

That’s a rate of more than a million a month since it debuted the “Galaxy S” moniker about seven months ago.
Samsung has the advantage of having a very global presence, and that sales milestone wouldn’t have been possible without its strong ties in Europe and Asia. Of the 10 million, 2.5 million were sales in Europe and 2.5 million were in South Korea, the country it calls home. The US took the most, but not even enough for a majority, with 4 million Galaxy S phones sold stateside.
The “Droid” brand is still the most popular here in the US, but since it’s a name that belongs to Verizon – a US-only carrier – it has absolutely no weight anywhere else in the world. The Galaxy S name is starting to take on that worldwide traction.
Nevertheless, even though consumers may not realize they’re buying into Samsung’s streamlined line of Android phones, they are at least choosing Samsung, and that’s what matters. For Samsung, that is. [[Samsung]]