One of the main draws of Android-based tablets is that they offer a more affordable alternative to the iPad. However, Samsung doesn’t see it that way as the company will soon be launching a version of its tablet computer for around $1,000.
The “Luxury Edition” of the Galaxy Tab was unveiled at the Millionaire Fair, a European expo that highlights the most exquisite – and most expensive – toys and gadgets on the market today. Samsung was on hand to show that even open-source mobile operating systems can be luxurious.

Unfortunately, though, it isn’t really anything that exciting. The Luxury Edition of the Galaxy Tab is reportedly exactly the same as the normal one you can pick up at mobile retail stores, but it comes with an exclusive leather case and Bluetooth headset.
And that’s apparently enough to ratchet the price up to 749 euros, or just around $1,000.
Perhaps it is a way of highlighting the fact that the Galaxy Tab, despite its high price tag, has been selling well. Even though consumers could actually get a bare-bones iPad for less than a Galaxy Tab, the latter is still making its way in the market.
Samsung plans to launch the exclusive version of the device on Wednesday, and will make it available through the end of January. After that, this limited edition bundle will be gone.
So if you’ve got some money just burning a hole in your pocket, here’s the perfect Christmas gift for you.