Samsung’s first “Galaxy S” device, the company’s new line of high-end Android phones, just became the fastest-selling phone in Korean history, and Samsung believes the momentum will spread throughout the world.
In less than three weeks, the Galaxy S handset sold 300,000 units in Korea. Fortune’s Web site notes that 800,000 iPhones have been sold, but that took a span of around four years.

It puts a highlight on the fact that even though the iPhone is the whirlwind sales leader in the US, that is far from the case in other parts of the world.
Samsung is preparing to launch the Galaxy S platform in the US very soon, with devices already laid out for all of the major carriers, and it expects global Galaxy S sales to total 10 million units.
That’s a pretty lofty goal, but if it does it would be a boon not only for Samsung but also for Google, which powers the Android operating system that all Galaxy S phones will use. Android is currently available in 48 countries, but Samsung wants to bring Galaxy phones to 110 of the 195 countries on the planet.
Galaxy S devices currently slated for the US include the T-Mobile Vibrant, the Verizon Fascinate, the AT&T Captivate, and Sprint’s next 4G phone the Epic 4G.