Samsung’s high-end, Android-powered line of smartphones has now reached total sales of over 5 million, just a little over a month after announcing the 1 million sales milestone.
It’s a blistering rate of sales that’s almost unheard of in the mobile phone industry, which for the first time is beginning to focus on individual devices rather than service providers.

In fact, Galaxy S removes the provider from the equation entirely. Samsung has made the platform available on every carrier, though in varied formats.
Galaxy S phones include the Captivate on AT&T, the Vibrant on T-Mobile, the Fascinate on Verizon, and the Epic 4G on Sprint. The latter is the second phone to make use of Sprint’s 4G network.
Galaxy S phones have gained appeal for their high-end specs, Super AMOLED screens, and customized Samsung/Android interface. Samsung is the most prolific manufacturer of Android handsets though it has yet to create one single device that can take on the Droid.
Samsung’s Galaxy S phones are all poised to receive the new version of Android, known as Froyo, but so far neither Samsung nor any of the phones’ mobile providers has commented on when that will happen. Every other high-profile Android device has already received the upgrade, king of leaving Galaxy S in the dark.
Samsung remains the world’s second most popular cell phone maker but until now it sat in that position because of its sheer volume of different devices available. Now it’s finally taking a different approach as it focuses on creating a brand presence for specific phones. The company hopes to sell 25 million smartphones in total for the entire year of 2010.