Google will reportedly launch its very first Chrome OS netbook on December 7th.
However, according to Engadget, the netbook isn’t yet slated for mass market consumption, as there will only be approximately 65,000 units (initially) available to Google’s closest “friends and family.”
In addition, the Cloud-base OS is apparently still in a “beta, non-consumer-friendly” state.

“Of course, this all lines up with TechCrunch’s report that Google will be launching its Chrome Web / App Store very soon, as well as yesterday’s launch of Chrome 8, which supports those aforementioned Chrome apps,” wrote Engadget’s Joanna Stern.
“Don’t forget that those apps are going to be a large part of the OS, so it would make sense for Google to talk about ’em in tandem. The pieces sure do seem to be fitting together quite well…”
Meanwhile, InfoWorld’s Woody Leonhard noted that Google was clearly “aiming” for the enterprise with it Cloud-powered operating system.
“Google’s VP for Chrome Engineering, Linus Upson, [recently] claimed 60 percent of businesses could immediately replace their Windows machines with Chrome OS,” explained Leonhard.
“Of course, that’s ridiculous. But just as Larry Ellison was shooting at Microsoft’s corporate accounts with his thin clients, so too is Google aiming at Microsoft with its gaunt client. The crazy thing is, it just might work.”