Tens of thousands of early Windows Phone 7 adopters are enjoying connectivity with their Xbox Live account, but that’s going to seem like small potatoes when Sony delivers PlayStation integration to millions of existing smartphone owners.
The PlayStation app is going to revolutionize the mobile game space. At least, that’s what Sony hopes. In this world of iPhone and Android gaming, it only makes sense for the juggernauts of console gaming to start making a presence.

So just what will you be able to do with the PlayStation mobile app? For starters, version 1.0 will have these features, as listed on the official European PlayStation blog:
* Check out your PlayStation Network trophies and keep up to date with your friends’ games and online status.
* Discover all the latest games, news and hardware for your PlayStation 3, PSP and PlayStation 2.
* Read all the announcements on the European PlayStation.Blog.
* Share your favourite products or news with your friends on Facebook, Twitter or via e-mail.
We first saw the PlayStation app in screenshots of the so-called “PlayStation phone” that leaked earlier this fall. But now it looks like it will be coming to all Android phones, as well as the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad.
That is, as long as the Android phone has version 1.6 installed (over 90%), and the iOS device has at least OS 4.
Okay, so it looks like you won’t quite be able to play PSP-level games on your phone yet, or even earn trophies (Windows Phone 7 lets you earn Xbox Live achievements from mobile games). But this is just version 1.0.
Oh, there’s another bummer for those who don’t live in Europe – the PlayStation app isn’t coming your way…yet. It’s launching exclusively in the UK, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, and the Netherlands, and its initial expansion will only hit other European countries for now.
But given how intense this app looks, we have no reason to doubt that it’ll be making its way to the US and other countries at some point too.
For now, at least we know that Sony is looking seriously into the mobile space, which is good news for the entire PlayStation brand. [[PlayStation]]