Next week, even if you don’t have a GM car you’ll be able to get a full suite of Onstar services.
It seems like it was announced forever ago, and of course who could forget the Celebrity Apprentice episode where Meat Loaf and Star Jones peddled the new product?

Well, “The wait is over,” said Onstar president Linda Marshall. “Since we announced OnStar FMV at the Consumer Electronics Show in January, thousands of people have signed up to be notified when this innovative product is ready to buy.”
Most people know about Onstar as the “blue button” that comes equipped in select GM vehicles, but because it was tied to only one manufacturer, the majority of drivers only knew of it as something they couldn’t get.
So it was a major announcement when Onstar revealed the Onstar FMV (For My Vehicle). It’s a rear-view mirror that has the same Onstar buttons as capable GM cars.
That means it has automatic crash response, turn-by-turn navigation, hands-free calling, stolen vehicle location assistance, an emergency services button, and roadside assistance.
It replaces your current rear-view mirror, and is compatible with absolutely any car – more than 90 million of them, Onstar said.
On July 24, Best Buy will be the flagship retailer to carry the product, with a $300 price tag. The store will also charge $75 to install it, and then of course the service itself carries a monthly fee of $18.95.
Other retailers, including Fry’s, PC Richard & Son, and Crutchfield are also slated to stock Onstar FMV later this year.