When Android 2.2 finally made its way to the public airwaves, it was the Nexus One that was first to receive the update. And it’s living up to that reputation again this time, with Android 2.3 expected to hit the handset in a matter of weeks.
The phone’s successor, the Nexus S, is the first device to ship with the latest version of Google’s mobile operating system installed. But the Nexus One will be the first of the dozens of existing Android phones to be able to upgrade.

In one of Google’s many official Twitter accounts, this Tweet was posted: “The Gingerbread OTA for Nexus One will happen in the coming weeks. Just hang tight!”
“Gingerbread” is Google’s affectionate code-name for Android 2.3, while OTA refers to an over-the-air update, meaning users will be able to upgrade to the new software anywhere they have a mobile data connection.
The Nexus One remains the only phone actually developed and created by Google. As such, it it one of the best-reviewed Android devices around. However, due to Google’s lack of distribution experience, the phone was seen as a clunker in terms of sales. It is no longer being manufactured.
For the Nexus S, Google turned to Samsung for its manufacturing and distribution expertise, and it’s already selling well at Best Buy – the #1 mobile phone retailer. Incidentally, the Nexus One was never offered for sale there.
A rollout schedule for when the rest of the many Android phones on the market will get the Gingerbread update is not yet available. When Android 2.2 came around, it was made available to all of Verizon’s Droid devices in due time, while many other Android users became frustrated with a sluggish wait time. Most of the phones that are currently running 2.2 should be eligible for this latest update.