People using iOS devices are going online more than those with an Android phone or tablet, and not by an insignificant margin.
According to the latest numbers from highly regarded industry tracking firm Comscore, iOS accounts for about 43.1% of all mobile Web traffic, compared to just 34.1% for Android.

This, in spite of the fact that Android devices highly outnumber the amount of iPhones and iPads in the market.
So what happens in a market where Apple already dominates the user base? I’m talking about tablets. Yes, the iPad accounts for a dazzling 97.2% of all Web browsing that originates from a tablet device.
In total, nearly 7% of all Web traffic comes from “non-computer” devices now, according to Comscore. We’re mostly talking about phones and tablets here but that number does also include game consoles and other products that are able to connect to the Internet.
What are these people doing with their always-accessible Internet? 58% said they use their mobile device’s data connections to check news. Social networking was the second most popular activity.
As Comscore SVP Mark Donovan summarizes, “The popularization of smartphones and the introduction of tablets and other Web-enabled devices–collectively termed ‘connected devices’–have contributed to an explosion in digital media consumption.”