LG working on glasses-free 3D phone: rumor

We’ve seen the technology come to digital photo frames, 3D camera viewfinders, TV sets, and computer monitors, and now it’s the smartphone’s turn.

The technology was teased at CES earlier this month but no official product announcements were made.

Word on the street now is that LG is in fact seriously planning a handset that would incorporate the latest 3D technology, and is going to announce it at the Mobile World Congress show next month.

One of the biggest stumbling blocks in the adoption to 3D TVs last year was that people hate the idea of buying 3D glasses, especially when they cost $150 to $200 like the current set of active shutter glasses.

It’s proving to be a much bigger stumbling block than the TV manufacturers expected. They all thought consumers would get over it once they saw how amazing the picture is with a stereoscopic 3D set.

In reality, though, 3D TV sales last year fell far below expectations and the companies involved in the race to 3D are now rapidly turning to other solutions.

LG also has 3D TVs on the market, but they require the expensive glasses just like most of the others. It didn’t announce anything major on that front at CES either.

If its glasses-free 3D smartphone proves to be a success, though, there’s no doubt it will want to take that over to its TV business as well.