Take it for what it’s worth, but the latest speculation puts the iPhone 5 on store shelves beginning October 7.
According to well regarded Apple fan site 9to5mac.com, which cites unnamed sources closely connected to the company, the latest version of the iPhone will be available for pre-order on either September 29 or September 30.

This is just the latest in a series of rumors over the iPhone 4’s successor, but recently all signs have pointed to an October launch. Pegging down the specific date is the challenging part at this time.
And even though the release date is still unclear, the features that will be included in the next-gen phone have slowly started to trickle out, thanks to the more widely available developer tools that Apple has released.
There are a few major changes, including a brand new messaging platform akin to Blackberry Messenger, ties to Apple’s nascent cloud storage service, and a complete reworking of the software’s notification system.
There is also a Hearing Aid mode, which allows those who need to use a hearing aid in everyday life to get as much out of their iPhone or iPad as possible.
That’s where the confirmed details end. In fact, even though everyone refers to the next phone as the “iPhone 5,” there is still some lingering doubt to suggest it will be some variation on the iPhone 4, like iPhone 4S.
Meanwhile, other rumors suggest there will be both an iPhone 5, and an enhanced version of the iPhone 4 launching together, e.g., a high-end and low-end offering for holiday iPhone shoppers.
In other words, Apple remains strong in its ability to strike up rumors and discussion without anyone really knowing what’s true and what isn’t. Hopefully some concrete details will emerge soon.