Intel is reportedly coding a utility that will allow devs to easily port iPhone applications to x86-based mobile devices.
“We’ll get [applications on] AppUp, then Meego and I imagine Windows. It’s basically taking the existing applications, finding the ones that are most relevant to end users and ensuring they get pulled over,” Intel VP Doug Fisher told IDG News.

“[You see], getting people excited to develop to Intel platforms is absolutely critical to us. [We are] trying to achieve this [via] tools [as well as] competitions and by making it easier for developers to monetize their applications.”
Fisher added that MeeGo-powered devices would begin making an appearance by the end of 2010 in devices such as netbooks, tablets and in-vehicle entertainment systems.
“[And] by the first half of next year you should start seeing [x86] handset devices in the market with the Meego operating system.
“You [can also] expect to see [Meego] for ARM architecture handsets coming out as well.”