If you have a Hulu Plus subscription, there’s now one more device that will let you play back hundreds of hours of TV shows – Sony’s Internet-powered portable Dash system.
The Sony Dash is meant to give you access to your most important online content – Facebook feeds, weather, etc – in places where you may not normally have a computer.

Additionally, it has hundreds upon hundreds of apps ranging from YouTube to RSS readers. But it has mainly been marketed as a single-screen device for users to just glance at and get a snapshot of their online lives.
Now, Sony is looking to get users to start using it more actively, offering apps that actually make you stop and stare at the gadget for a while.
“The addition of Hulu Plus serves as an ideal example of how Dash continues to evolve and improve over time. With Hulu on board, the Dash platform has the ability to deliver a huge variety of online entertainment instantly to consumers’ homes on top of glanceable, real-time tidbits of information,” said Sony VP Brennan Mullin in a statement.
This also goes to show how far Hulu Plus has come. In the span of just a few months, it has managed to reach TVs, Blu-ray players, the iPhone, set-top boxes, and game consoles.
The Sony Dash retails for $199 and Hulu Plus costs $9.99 per month.