Toshiba intros 64GB NAND flash for mobile phones

Japanese giant Toshiba said it has introduced a 64GB NAND memory designed for phones, netbooks, digicameras and smartphones.

The 64GB embedded device has sixteen 32 gigabit NAND chips combined together on on one piece of real estate, and including a dedicated controller. The chips are built using 32 nanometer technology.

Toshiba claims it is the first to combine 16 invidual 32 gigabit NAND chips to create individual semiconductors only 30 micrometers thick.

The family of products range in densities from 2GB to 64GB and are compatible with the latest e-MMC standard – that includes better security and allows for multiple storage areas.

The chips will go into mass production in the first quarter of 2010, said Toshiba. By the first quarter Toshiba is hoping to build three million units a month. Prices for OEMs were not available at press time.