Nvidia has introduced a new Fermi-based GPU for notebooks that reportedly offers a 5X performance increase along with a dedicated Tessellation engine.
“The GeForce GTX 480M GPU is DirectX 11 done right for notebooks. [This] GPU [boasts] nearly three times more NvidiaCUDA cores over previous generation Notebook GPUs, which means users get unbelievably fast video transcoding, upscaling from standard definition to high definition and real-time movie clean-up with the click of a button,” explained company spokesperson Matt Wuebbling.

“It also provides added features that no other GPU offers, including 3D Vision and PhysX technology that brings games to life with dynamic, interactive environments.”
However, Vladislav Savov of Engadget noted that “things started to look a little worrying” when gauging the 480M’s clock speeds.
“The processor speed is nearly halved from the desktop GTX 480, at 850MHz, the memory does only 1,200MHz, and the graphics run at 425MHz – we didn’t know anything worthwhile even operated below 500MHz these days,” wrote Savov.
“[Still], either way, you’re getting a computing powerhouse, with the 480M’s 897 gigaflops comfortably dwarfing its predecessor’s 413 and promising almighty tessellation performance. [But] what it all means with regard to keeping your frame rates up while traversing the Terminus Systems, we can’t yet say.”