Although the WinTel relationship appears to be slightly strained right now, an Intel rep told TG Daily that Microsoft actually gave Santa Clara “quite a lot of love” today at the BUILD conference in Anaheim, California.
According to the rep, Microsoft made a conscious decision to focus “heavily” on x86-powered Ultrabooks and even demoed a 32nm Atom SoC on touch.

In contrast, emphasized the rep, companies with ARM-based products like Qualcomm, Nvidia and Texas Instruments were “only mentioned briefly” during the morning keynote sessions.
In essence, concluded the spokesperson, Intel probably received more promotion than any single ARM licensee.
For its part, Intel spent the majority of this morning’s IDF keynote sessions discussing Santa Clara’s heightened collaboration with Google on Ultrabooks and how Android was being optimized for x86 chips.
However, as TG Daily reported earlier, Google’s Andy Rubin seemed lackluster during his on-stage appearance, and somewhat reluctant to discuss the collaboration in-depth.
“The partnership has been great, we’ve optimized a lot of our products for Intel architecture… This is the continuation of a strategic alliance [and] we’re going to work very closely with Intel to make sure Android is as optimized as it possibly can be for Intel architecture,” he said.