Intel’s Atom processor can be found inside everything from netbooks to smartphones. But now 7 of the ubiquitous chips have been spotted inside the Bloodhound SSC, a jet and rocket-powered supersonic car expected to break the 1,000 mph barrier.
Indeed, at the heart of the Bloodhound design are Atom-powered advanced engine controls and driver information displays that provide vital information to the driver about the condition of vehicle and performance.
According to the Bloodhound Project, a constant flow of information is required to safely the navigate the vehicle, as drivers are expected to run through a wide speed range while keeping the same load on all four wheels.
“The little winglets above the wheels are fully dynamic trimmers making small adjustments in fractions of a second.
“They are not there to develop massive download as needed for a wheel-driven circuit-racing car, but simply to maintain constant wheel load up to Mach 1.4. The Jet will provide that degree of control.”
Additional Bloodhound specs include:
- Wheelbase – 8.9 meters
- Overall length – 12.8 meters
- Car mass – 6,422 kg
- Turning circle – 120 meters
- Maximum height – 2808 mm
- Fuel capacity – 500 liters
- Thrust EJ200 – 20,000 lbs
- Thrust rocket – 25,000 lbs