There are a number of Android-powered game consoles that have hit Kickstarter and other crowd-sourced funding websites over the last several months.
The highest profile and biggest earning of them is probably the Ouya, which managed to raise an impressive $8,596,474 on Kickstarter, with the full support of 63,416 backers.
Another one of the more successful Kickstarter programs for Android-powered gaming on your big-screen TV is the Gamestick.

The Gamestick is a product from a company called PlayJam and includes a small hardware device that plugs directly into your living room TV and a larger controller for playing video games on the big screen. During the course of the Kickstarter project, (which raised over $500,000), the company made a number of modifications to its device in an effort to improve the controls.
The Android Jelly Bean-powered Gamestick is currently equipped with an AMlogic AM8726-MX processor, 1 GB RAM, 8 GB of storage, Wi-Fi and integrated Bluetooth. Until today, the only way you can get your hands on one of these game consoles wasif you were on of the backersof the original Kickstarter campaign.
However, the Gamestick is now up for general pre-order in advance of the global retail launch. The console sells for $79 and will be delivered after the initial batch of Kickstarter orders is fulfilled. PlayJam is also offering a $25 dock and a $10 case is accessories to the console itself. The Ouya console by comparison sells for $99.