We recently ran several stories about the GameStick, an Android-powered device that allows users to play video games on a big-screen TV in the living room.
The device – which has been making the obligatory Kickstarter rounds – was slightly redesigned to make the controller more usable and durable.

We knew that the game system was going to meet its funding goal because it originally requested $100,000. As of a few days ago, the console had raised over $500,000. Well, the GameStick Kickstarter campaign has officially ended today with a grand total of 5691 backers and $647,658.
Missed our earlier coverage of the GameStick? Here is quick breakdown of key specs: Android Jelly Bean, AMlogic AM8726-MX processor, 1 GB of RAM, 8 GB of storage, integrated Wi-Fi/Bluetooth and a microSD card slot supporting up to 32GB of storage.
The project developers expect to ship the device in April. Backers paid about $155 for the console, dock, and a few other accessories during the funding project.