The latest on SmallNetBuilder and SmallCloudBuilder includes a review of Backupify, new products from Drobo and news about Dropbox, Google and HP’s new TouchPad
HP’s TouchPad To Ship With Cloud Storage Options HP’s TouchPad is slated to ship with multiple cloud storage options to make transferring files on and off the tablet easier.
Diary Of My Switch To Internet TV – Part 11 – Roku + PlayOn = Not Much PlayOn apparently now works with Roku boxes. But where’s the value?
Backupify Reviewed Backupify is a backup service for archiving your digital life. It’s the archiving part that doesn’t work so great.
Drobo Adds Business Lineup Drobo has rolled out new 8 and 12 bay storage products aimed at business users.

Other News
Dropbox for Teams Officially Launches
Google Releases Google Translate for iPhone
Blue Coat Takes Security To The Cloud
Onebox Expands Cloud Telephone Service Into Canada
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