Google’s Chrome browser team is teaming up with AirTran, Delta and Virgin America to provide free in-flight WiFi for holiday passengers.
Travelers flying on any of the above-mentioned airlines between November 20, 2010 and January 2, 2011 will be able to use the free Gogo connection to check e-mail, surf the web or watch videos – all while cruising 30,000 feet above the ground.
“We are constantly working to help provide a better web experience to users around the world,” explained Google VP Sundar Pichai.

“Whether it be building a better browser with Chrome or bringing free Wi-Fi to air travelers this holiday season, we are constantly innovating to ensure that user access to the web is fast, simple and seamless.”
This season marks the second straight year that the Mountain View-based company has offered free Wi-Fi to travelers over the holidays.
Last year, Google worked with Virgin America as well as more than 50 airports to provide free Internet both on the ground and in the air.
And this year, the Chrome team is continuing its newly-inaugurated Google tradition by joining with three airlines to connect travelers while they’re in the sky.