It looks like Gamestop is ready to start adding Apple products to its catalog.
Apple fan site reports that “several sources” have come forward to say the gaming retailer is adding iPhones, iPads, and iPod Touches to its inventory.

But it won’t deal with Apple distributors right away. Apparently, the initial plan is to encourage customers to come in and sell their used iGadgets so that other customers can come in and buy said devices, at a higher price of course.
In fact, that process is already in place. The store is now accepting Apple product trade-ins for store credit. The question is when Gamestop will become an official Apple retailer and begin to stock new gadgets as they’re released.
It’s suggested the store might be on the list to receive the iPhone 5, or whatever the next iPhone will be called, when it launches assumedly next month.
It certainly makes sense to all the analysts and pundits who say the iPhone and iPad make game consoles obsolete. The fact that Gamestop continues to rake in impressive sales would dispute such an idea, but nevertheless the retail giant will certainly benefit from being a part of the iMadness.
Gamestop has experience in selling mobile phones. It was the flagship US retailer for Nokia’s bungled N-Gage handset, which the manufacturer tried to market as a game device first, phone second. It didn’t really work, and not the least of its problems was the fact that customers couldn’t buy it at traditional mobile stores.
So clearly, Gamestop won’t be most people’s first choice for iPhone and iPad sales, but the appeal of being able to sell a few old video games and get a break on the price is sure to please cash-strapped tech heads.