Even though Microsoft would have you believe Windows Phone 7 is the most powerful video game platform on a mobile phone, leading PC game developer id Software and lead designer John Carmack disagrees.
Carmack noted that Windows Phone 7 has no native support for C++ programming, which is used for every game on the developer’s docket. As such, “Odds of a win7 phone port [of Rage] are very low,” he said in a tweet.
Windows Phone 7 will be an important gaming platform for Microsoft as it will be incorporated into Xbox Live and essentially be the company’s portable gaming system to compete aginst the DS and PSP families.
The platform uses a programming language known as C#, which is quite different than what id is used to.
The developer committed to releasing a version of Rage, a hotly anticipated ambitious PC shooter, on the iPhone earlier this year. It’s one of the boldest moves for iPhone gaming yet, but it’s leaving other mobile phone users wondering about their handsets.
Android people are probably the most likely next group to see the game pop up in their app stores. “I am going to take a stab at bringing Rage up on Android soon, but we have NOT committed to a product,” continued Carmack.
Fellow id creations Doom and Quake have already found a home on the iPhone, but this move to incorporate the iPhone right alongside development with a brand new, state-of-the-art PC game, could be a huge push forward for mobile games.