At this point, Apple’s attitude about the iPhone 4 is, “If you’re worried about our faulty antenna, tough luck.” The company’s deal to give customers a free case to protect the antenna will end at the end of the month.
After weeks and weeks of negative press, which was only exacerbated by Apple’s complete disregard for customer satisfaction, the company finally caved in earlier this summer and began offering free cases that line the phone and protect the antenna from lost reception.

At that time, Apple said the offer would only extend to people who bought an iPhone 4 through September, with the promise that it would reevaluate everything then. Well, that time has come and Apple has no intention of renewing the deal.
Without citing any supporting evidence, an Apple statement reads, “We now know that the iPhone 4 antenna attenuation issue is even smaller than we originally thought.”
It likely won’t have a negative impact on iPhone 4 sales. The issue has largely blown over after Steve Jobs issued as close to what he could probably ever get to an apology – which is really all that most consumers wanted in the first place.
Anyone who buys an iPhone 4 through September 30 will still get a free case, and will also get the sweeter return policy. But beginning the next day, everything goes back to normal.