It has been in stores for exactly one day, but it’s already time for the Verizon iPhone 4 to receive its first software update. Customers who buy the device will be prompted to download the update as soon as they start using it.
Version 4.2.6 of the iOS operating system “fixes a bug to ensure Personal Hotspot data usage is accurately reported (for Verizon iPhones),” according to the update’s release notes from Apple.

The Wi-Fi tethering feature is the biggest addition to the Verzion version of the device that the AT&T phone does not have. For an extra $20 a month, users can transform their Verizon iPhone into a virtual hotspot, and then use that connection to take their laptop, iPad, or any other WiFi device online.
Apparently there was some error in the display to users about how much data they were using. The $20/month option only allows up to 2 GB of external iPhone data per month, with each additional gigabyte costing an extra $20.
The glitch has some people turning heads, as data usage has been the subject of much legal controversy in the US mobile market. Verizon and AT&T have both been brought under the light for accusations that it was inaccurately reporting how much data its customers were accessing online.
The update here appears to try to fix that.
AT&T customers can also download the update, but it will have no effect on their device.