"Exploding" Droid 2 phone didn’t explode at all

It seems as though someone just wanted a lot of attention.

Aron Embry became something of a media sensation after he said a Droid 2 phone exploded while he was holding it to his head.

Of course, pictures of the device cracked and blood-stained made for the perfect sensational story.

But now that someone other than Embry is talking, it sounds as though that wasn’t the case at all.

PCMag.com reports it heard a different story from a Motorola employee. The company rep told the publication that Embry’s Droid 2 “was a phone that got dropped.”

So that crack existed before the man ever even picked up the phone before the incident.

“The guy didn’t notice the glass had cracked … so when he put it to his ear, he cut himself,” said the unnamed Motorola employee.

He claimed there was no internal damage to the phone, said it would be impossible for the phone to still work, and emphasized that the phone’s crack was not consistent with an explosion.

So it looks like Embry probably won’t be getting some sort of windfall compensation from Motorola. He’s counting on that, too, since he went to the hospital but doesn’t have health insurance. In fact, maybe it’s for that reason that he made up the explosion story in the first place.

Motorola has not released an official statement since the day of the incident. At the time, it promised to initiate an investigation and reiterated that customer safety is always its top priority.