E-Learning has become one of the newest trends in big corporations as well as in small companies. Corporate e-Learning is applied to enhance the full process of employees’ qualification and upgrade, and improve the way company trains its staff.
Despite the fact that there are a lot of opinions which argue against the effectiveness of such system, companies that used it admitted a high efficiency in terms the output? The point is the regulation and ‘catch’ of the new approaches. It is really a challenge for the company to track all the new trends in e-learning, mostly because digital technologies are so changeable, and being one step ahead becomes harder and harder. Nevertheless, a vast variety of platforms that offer this tool can be different in their objectives, and finding the right one also becomes a challenge.
Personalization Is A Key Objective
People are very different in their abilities for learning, the way some people learn something can differ totally from how other people would manage it. Exactly, due to the individual pace, means of information perception, remembering and further assimilation, e-Learning platforms offer a vast variety of learning materials and programs.
Some people feel comfortable to learn while commuting to and from their office, in transport, or while waiting in a queu, using only their tablet, but there are people which hate loudy places and cannot concentrate, let alone learn something. They prefer calm working atmosphere and few productive hours in front of a personal computer.
Coaching works for large companies as a basis for learning. Therefore, it is applicable to e-Learning as well. Online platforms with a lot of theoretical stuff are good, of course, but live mentor can direct the employee in the right direction among these tones of theory without proper practice and workshops. Learning insights from the experienced people and reinforcing personal skills are very essential in mentoring. However, live mentors can often be biased, especially in grading, so in this aspect e-Learning platforms are beneficial, since they provide computerized checking and grading of results.

Why Does It Work So Well?
E-Learning platforms have already been tested by the biggest corporations, such as Google, Facebook, etc. Due to the Big Data collected from personal accounts and like/share history, Google can target the right ad and get less generic results. Siri, the Google assistant application, is learning to answer your questions in a more concise and correct manner, again due to the Big Data.
Future Of Smart E-Learning
It is hard to predict how the future of education and learning will look like. According to the trends being observed, in a few decades, the learning processes for employees or students will be easier due to the progressive analysis of his learning progress. Due to new platforms and software, it will also be possible to track what learning materials exactly were the most efficient to the users, and resulted in gains profits, or were inefficient and even resulted in financial losses and loss of time.