Does your Android dream of electric sheep and fantasize about watching MobiTV?
Well, we aren’t sure about the sheep, but now it can stream as much TV as you can handle!

Yes, indeed, MobiTV is expanding its live TV and video-on-demand service to a number of new smartphones, including T-Mobile’s Samsung Vibrant.
The MobiTV platform already offer support for the Sprint Evo 4G, HTC Hero and AT&T Motorola Backflip.
“Since the introduction of MobiTV to the Android platform with the NBA League Pass Mobile app, [we] have seen increased engagement with its services on Android as the operating system continues to grow,” explained MobiTV CEO Charlie Nooney.
“With Android grabbing 9.6 percent of the smartphone market share in the first quarter of 2010, compared to 1.6 percent a year earlier, MobiTV believes [we] will become a critical platform in accelerating the availability and adoption of mobile media.”
Nooney also noted that MobiTV currently boasts a total of more than 10 million subscribers across a variety of mobile devices.
“[However], MobiTV viewers on the Android platform watch 23 percent more minutes per active viewer versus all other mobile operating platforms,” he added.