Would you buy a first-generation Apple iPad that refuses to offer support for either Flash or multitasking? No? Well, you are not alone.
Indeed, a recent poll conducted by Retrevo Pulse has confirmed Apple’s abject “failure” to convince any new buyers to consider the iPad.

According to Retrevo, Club Cupertino may have also lost many potential buyers who now claim they “don’t think they need” an Apple tablet computer.
“Retrevo’s study asked consumers whether or not they had heard about the tablet before the tablet was introduced and again after the announcement,” explained a company spokesperson in an official blog post.
“Unfortunately for Apple, the number if respondents saying they had heard about the tablet but were not interested in buying one, doubled from 25% before the announcement to over 50% following the announcement.”
In addition, when questioned before the announcement if they thought they needed the tablet, 49% of respondents answered “no” with 30% noting they needed to know more about it before a decision could be made.

However, the percentage of respondents indicating they required more info had dropped by half after the announcement – with the overwhelming majority saying they didn’t need a tablet. This raised the total number of respondents chanting “no” to the iPad (after the announcement) to 61%.
Finally, nearly 60 percent of respondents insisted they wouldn’t pay extra for optional 3G connectivity.

“As we like to say, it’s the apps that sell smartphones like the iPhone and it could very well be those same apps that motivate buyers to run down to the Apple Store and get in line to buy a shiny new iPad.
“Whether this device becomes a big hit is anyone’s guess but based on this study it sure looks doubtful,” added Retrevo.