It didn’t take more than a few minutes after it was noticed for to take down a reference it had on its site to the “Nexus S” phone, but thanks to the power of the Internet now everyone is buzzing about it.
On the seemingly premature Best Buy Web page, there was a teaser line that read, “Pure Google. The Nexus S. Available only at Best Buy this holiday season,” along with a broken image that had the tagline “Nexus S for T Mobile.”

Of course, the immediate conclusion to draw is this is a successor to Google’s Nexus One. We pretty much know one is on the way, except this time it’ll be built by Samsung and has been heretofore dubbed the “Nexus Two.”
We don’t know if the Nexus S is going to be in addition to another phone called the Nexus Two, or if that’s the final name of the Nexus Two, or if we’re all just in alternate universe somewhere where nothing makes sense.
The Nexus One was the only Android phone that Google itself actually engineered and created. In addition to powering the software behind it, it was actually a piece of Google hardware. That caught a whole bunch of positive reviews.
But due to Google’s lack of retail channel experience, the phone was strictly sold through a proprietary website and had very little exposure. As such, the phone was regarded as a flop in terms of sales.
Google appears to be taking a different strategy this time, partnering up with T-Mobile and Samsung and assumedly working on securing shelf space at T-Mobile retail stores.
That is, at least, what we’ve been hearing about the alleged Nexus Two. The Nexus S name comes at us from nowhere so we’re not sure what to make of it. Google’s not making it any clearer by refusing to comment.
So as of this point, it’s just a whole lot of speculation, a potential accidental leak, and a bunch of bloggy gossip. Take what you will from that.