Barnes & Noble is preparing to push the Nook in front of your face even more so than it already does by devoting more space, 1,000 square feet to be exact, for in-store displays.
The retail chain will begin installing what it calls “Nook Boutiques” inside every store, which will have multiple units on display for customers to try out, as well as a greater selection of Nook accessories and dedicated staff to assist with product service.

Barnes & Noble says that 25% of Nook owners have become customers of, and those who belong to its loyal customer program increase store spending by 20% after buying a Nook.
“No other company is doing what Barnes & Noble is doing, utilizing its store footprint and innovative technology to add value to the customer’s eReading experience – including unique features such as digital eBook lending, free Wi-Fi connectivity, in-store browsing of complete eBooks and exclusive content, and more,” said Barnes & Noble CEO William Lynch.
The Nook is available in two models: a full-featured device with 3G connectivity for $199, and a scaled-back version with a Wi-Fi connection but no 3G capability for $149. The digital bookstore on the Nook is also available as a separate download for the iPhone, Android, and Blackberry platforms.