The App Store censors have had no problems rejecting Pulitzer Prize-winning content because it was “offensive,” or provocative apps that weren’t really that provocative, so it should come as no surprise that the latest App Store reject is one that glamorizes Apple’s biggest mobile rival, Android.
Androidworld Reader will not make an appearance on the iPhone, because it was shot down during the app approval process. Developer Mediaprovider said Apple banned the app because it talked about content that was a competitor to Apple.

“It’s funny really because I don’t think we would sell many magazines on Android through Apple App Store,” said Brian Dixen, part of the app’s development team, in a Media Watch interview. “But the question is where this is going.”
Dixen said his other iPhone apps, which focus on editorial content about the consumer electronics industry, have been approved with no problem. He didn’t say exactly what Apple wrote in its rejection letter, but it sure sounds like this app was rejected simply because of its Android content. Apparently it’s now offensive to talk about any sort of direct Apple competitor.