It took long enough, but the LG Ally and Samsung Acclaim smartphones have finally been upgraded to Android 2.2, the version of Google’s operating system that most users have been using for months now.
The update comes some eight months after Android 2.2 was first announced, and released to the original Google phone, the Nexus One.

Since then, all of the “Droid” family of phones from Verizon have been upgraded as well as numerous models from HTC and Motorola. However, many Android customers are still in the dark with outdated versions of Android, meaning they can’t run Flash content on their mobile browser and cannot use their phone as a mobile Wi-Fi hotspot for their laptop or other devices.
It almost seemed as if nobody was upgrading older Android phones anymore, but this news is promising.
The update comes as some have begun to question the delays, especially when it comes to Samsung. There are reports that Samsung has been stepping in and blocking upgrades to the newest Android platform, in hopes of getting current customers to go out and buy new smartphones that have Android 2.2 or 2.3 already pre-installed.
It’s good to see Samsung as one of the companies involved in the latest update, but there are still several in its Galaxy S portfolio that are running Android 2.1. Samsung had promised to bring version 2.2 to all of its high-end Android devices, but so far has failed to live up to that expectation.