After advertising online since June, the couple managed to quietly give birth and get just over $8,000 for the newborn.
According to the Daily Telegraph:
After a home birth, designed to cover-up the crime, they handed over the baby girl and received a large cash payment into their bank account on the very same day.
Back in August 2012, there was a report of a Chinese student selling a kidney for an iPad, but there is, so far, no word on anyone giving an arm or a leg for a MacBook Pro Retinal Display.
We joke, but this is kind of sick.
The couple told prosecutors that they were doing what was best for the child by giving her a place with a secure, financially stable family who could provide better for her. They claimed that it wasn’t about the money.
After the trade was completed, credit card bills showed that the couple had gone on a spending spree and brought an iPhone as well as a pair of expensive sneakers.
Chinese educators and parents have become increasingly alarmed at smartphone adoption by children that is overwhelming their activities. A parent in Chongqing gave $65,000 to a school to change the smartphones being used by kids at the school because of the threat of harm to their eyesight. The money was used to replace the phones with ones that had better displays.