Apple has successfully redefined and revolutionized a number of stagnating product categories over the years with its iPhone, iPad, iPod and iMac lineup. But what does Cupertino have planned for the next few years?
First up is a possible secure fingerprint scanner in Apple’s highly-anticipated anticipated “iPhone 5S,” a feature which could pull double duty in Apple’s rumored iWatch.

Indeed, analyst Brian White of Topeka Capital Markets believes both the “iPhone 5S” and so-called “iWatch” will include fingerprint identification technology, which will be used for “essential security purposes,” such as facilitating safe credit payments.
Next up is Cupertino’s long-awaited iTV, which White says will be a full-blown television set (50-60 inches) slated to launch in the latter part of 2013. According to the analyst, the iTV has the potential to “revolutionize the TV experience forever.”
In an industry note obtained by AppleInsider, White also described a device dubbed the “iRing” which could act as a “navigation pointer” for the iTV, allowing the TV to enhance motion detection and replace some of the functionality found in a remote.

In addition to the so-called iRing, White says the “iTV” will boast a “mini iTV” screen that will allow users to view content on a smaller 9.7-inch display – the very same diagonal screen size as a full-size iPad.
“Essentially, we believe the ‘mini iTV’ screens will be able to capture content from the 60-inch ‘iTV’ across a distance of up to 200 meters, allowing a user to view ‘iTV’ content in the kitchen, washroom, garage, bedroom, backyard, etc,” White opined.
“We believe Apple will offer one ‘mini iTV’ per ‘iTV,’ but package options will include up to four screens (i.e., one screen is part of the standard package and pay extra for each additional. While this smaller screen will be of a similar shape to the iPad, it will have limited functionality and will not serve as an iPad replacement.”
And last, but certainly not least, Apple’s recent hiring of ex-Segway robotics expert John Morell has fueled rampant speculation that he designing a number of top-secret products for Cupertino.

“It would be a shame if a company with hundreds of all-stars, such as Morrell, isn’t working on something more daring than the next gadget,” Bloomberg’s Ashlee Vance noted.
However, Vance did acknowledge that Morrell may have “become just another member of a giant consumer electronics company.”